Join one of our working groups

We are looking at expanding our team. Please contact us if you would like to join us. Note, response time may be slow as we gather expressions of interest.

Our group activities include;

  • Designing of machine-actionable training material

  • Community building and outreach 

  • Technical support 

  • Hosting/Co-hosting virtual events 

  • Accessibility and inclusion

  • Partnership and collaboration

Why Join?

  • Connect with a heterogeneous community of researchers, research support, policy makers, funders, data managers and many more from different parts of the world!

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest conversations on FAIR implementation solutions

  • Opportunities for collaborating and working with others in a cross-disciplineray fashion

  • Showcase your work and enhance your visibility

  • Connect with international organizations, networks and communities

  • Have your say and help shape the themes for discussions